Hi everybody! So, I plan on making this post kinddaaa different from the others, ya know change it up. There will still be pictures so don't get all pissy. Anyway, really the only reason I'm changing it for today's post is because, in all honesty, I feel like I'm getting a wee bit to generic with my format's and shit like that. It's not because I'm out of ideas or because I'm lazy, it's because I want to get some more variety.
So, instead of a story, I'm going to go over a list (not super long, not crazy short) of things I've done and I'm pretty sure you've all done (comically of course).
#1) Walk into a room, get distracted by some asshole, walk out of room without retrieving whatever you wanted to get.
#2) Feeling hungry but because the big game (baseball, football, basketball or whatever sport you prefer) is on so you don't wanna get up.
#3) When on FB, literally scrolling through a wasteland of "-insert Kings of Leon or any country song deemed 'deep''
#4) Pressing down even harder on buttons of a remote control even though we know it has weak batteries (I've lost a few remotes because of that).
#5) When reading something clearly out of order thinking "idiot" then re-reading over it a few minutes later, only to realize it was in the right order and your brain is a dick.
#6) (Guys) Trying to figure out why girls post pictures of there feet when in a group...it's called Facebook not Footbook.
#7) Being friends with somebody yet you forget how you met and why you're friends.
#8) Watching a poker game on ESPN and trying to figure out why you're watching a poker game on ESPN.
#9) Playing any type of sports video game and trying to figure out how the hell you're losing to somebody who has never even played before.
#10) Losing all self confidence after looking in the mirror. (That's more for you guys, I've nnneeevveerr lost self confidence)
#11) Anything that sounds great in your head about politics or religion, can and will, make you look like a total tool.
#12) We all have our favorite happy mood song, sad mood song, tired song, writing a paper song, getting ready for a sporting event song, driving in the car and attempting to not crash the car song because you're focused on the song.
#13) Re-creating an awkward situation in your head over and over and over and over and over again until you're ready to jump off your nearest bridge or building.
#14) Doing a math problem then thinking: "When am I going to use this shit..."
#15) Texting someone in the same room about somebody else in the same room.
#16) Catching yourself in the middle of a sentence because you realize that if you say it you may come across as: Racist, sexist, extremist, overly-religious, Marxist, communistic.
#17) Over rationalizing something to the point where you have created a completely new situation.
#18) Actually thinking something good you do will earn you respect and honor....bahahahahahahahahahaha.
#19) Reading something terrible about today's society and deep down hoping the world will end because this shit is just getting out of control.
#20) Still trying to figure out why girls post pictures of there feet on facebook..
#21) Slowly sinking into your chair as you get more comfortable on your computer.
#22) Eating then thinking about those starving African kids you saw on that TV commercial...-slow gulp-
#23) Telling yourself I will call it a night after this -feel in the blank- and deciding two hours later: "Meh, I can pull an all-nighter"..then passing out on the couch.
#24) Secretly praying that Tebow will win MVP.
#25) Thinking to yourself: "I'm honestly glad I wasn't born into a celebrity couple, I'm not sure if I would want to be named Trenton Serenity Orphée Green World Peace Jones"
So there ya have it, the list of things we've all done at point or another. I'm sorry it's not longer but my brain is tired. Bye Everybody! =))
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