New posts whenever I feel the most creative! =D Be sure to share this with your friends!

Q & A

Q: Where are you from?
A: The lovely and mostly rainy state of Washington.

Q: Are you a boy or a girl?
A: I am a male.

Q: What's your favorite outdoor hobby?
A: When I'm not running into flagpoles, I love camping..nothing quite like the smell of burnt marshmallows.

Q: When do you decide to write your blogs?
A: Whenever I feel the most creative, I don't schedule myself because then I feel pressured and stressed which equals to a crappy post about me running around town and doing

Q: Why do you ALWAYS look at the funny side of everything.
A: Humor is my coping and acceptance mechanism, without humor, lets just say I'd be writing this from a prison cell.

Q: What's your all-time favorite thing to write about?
A: If I answered: "Me and My life" would I sound like an egomaniac?

Q: Do you have any pets? If you do, what kind?
A: I have two black labs, Kaleah (Kia or Boo) and Makiah (Kya or She-devil). One is very...shall we say "fluffeh" and the other is bony but stronger and more evil than El Diablo.

Q: Paper or Plastic?
A: Choke a fish or kill a tree? I love being a smart ass.

Q: Do you take this seriously?
A: Of course! If I didn't, my posts would look like this: "& den i sed u bettr not tuch dat cuz iz hawt"...You're welcome.

Q: Will you link for link with me?
A: I'm afraid I wouldn't feel comfortable doing it, I'm sorry )=

Q: You suck and your humor is terrible.
A: Hey, if you don't like it. I'm open for CONSTRUCTIVE criticism...

if you have any questions that were not covered, contact my buisness mail at:
if you wish to send support or criticism use the email I supplied.