Hi everybody! So, I figured that I haven't talked about some traumatizing incidents in my life for awhile, so how about the time a family friend decided it would be funny to play a prank on poor little me, never mind the fact I was like 10 years old and was emotionally unstable.
So, here I was being a good little kid just playing some indoor basketball with a 4'7 kid and 5 foot hoop in the living room area. I was one shot away from absolute glory (bragging rights), so I take the shot. I miss and the ball goes sailing right to porcelain-looking snowman and the head just snaps right off of it and falls to the ground. So I (being the responsible 10 year old I am)...book it up the stairs with said friend, and pretty much stay up there for the rest of the night. About 2 hours pass and we go back downstairs for dinner. I've pretty much forgotten about it by now, and just start shoveling food into my mouth because at that time my motto was "Eat fast, play soon!" so we all finish up eating and I head back up stairs with my friend while the parents go into the living room to talk. About 15 minutes pass and for some reason which I cannot remember to this day, my friend decides he needs to go downstairs and get something. He comes FLYING back up the stairs and says "WHOA WHOA WHOA, YOU'RE IN TROUBLE!" I, of course, say something along the lines of "WHAT HAPPENED?!?!?!" He then proceeds to tell me that his mom is crying with the snowman's head in one hand and the body in the other. So, we creep back downstairs and eavesdrop on the conversation. Her husband is now trying put the snowman back together with super-glue. So, we head downstairs with our heads hung low and peek into the room and ask, "What's going on?" and the mom says "Somebody broke this snowman that my grandmother gave to me, this was the most special Christmas figure I own!" By this point I'm thinking in my head, "SHIT SHIT SHIT, I'm going to die. I've lived a good life for a ten year old, I've seen the world (Canada and Oregon)" I mumble out "I'm sorry.." Then start bawling my eyes out
By then, they decide "Okay, we made the kid cry. Mission accomplished" then they start laughing and the husband comes up and says "Ohh it's okay, buddy" and hugs me..what he doesn't realize is that I am 5'0 and he is 6'2...I am at PERFECT height for pay back, so what do I do? I punch him right in the gems and say "Not Funny". What I have learned from this story is never, and I mean NEVER, mess with a kid half your size because he is low enough to do massive damage.
I think life is just a bunch of practical jokes pulled off in sometimes non-humorous ways. I mean come on..think about...life is kinda a dick, "Haha! Made you think you were pregnant!", so I say we should just take some time and relax.
Alright everybody, I hope you enjoyed the story! Byee! =).
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