Hi there everyone! While I'm working on my next post, I figured I could do a reallllll quick update! You know you loveee it. So, today the world was supposed to end but uh...yeah, we're still here and I still have to do my Sunday work...aka wake up, take a shower, eat breakfast, go back to sleep. IT'S SO HARD BEING ME! I honestly think the next time Harold Camping tries to predict the rapture (and we all know he will), I think he should at least try to convince people a little better. I mean he only put up close to 20,000 billboards across America and it got spread around the internet like...never mind, you know where I was going with it..MY POINT BEING, if you're gonna make a prediction, at least try to sound sane while doing so, even though it's kinda hard when you run around saying "THE WORLD IS GONNA END ON MAY 21ST, DRINK THE KOOL-AID NOW, DAMN IT!". I mean seriously, I wonder if he even listens to himself and his ridiculous mathematics. I mean c'mon, how can you believe that crap?
All right, so there is my quick little update. I hope you enjoyed it! Byee =)
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